verán me pidieron de tarea hacer un juego Tic Tac Toe (Gato) con Processing, pero lo quiero generar con Realidad Aumentada, apenas solo lo puedo imprimir en la pantalla, este es el código que llevo de Processing:
// Tic tac Toe game
// player 1 draws a cross
// player 2 draws a circle
Square[][] grid; // array of squares makes up a grid
int row, col, spaces; // grid layout
float x, y, w, h; // values for the grid to be passed to class
int player = 1; // start with player 1
boolean gameOver; // check if the game is finished
int winner; // holds the winning player (1 or 2)
boolean play; // continue playing - set to false if game won before all squares filled
float w_button = 150; // play again button
float h_button = 40;
float x_button = (425/2) - (w_button/2);
float y_button = 475;
void setup(){
size (425,550);
row = 3; col = 3; spaces = 9;
grid = new Square[row][col];
startGame(); // set up a game
void draw(){
checkGameOver(); // check if the game is over
// game is not finished - continue playing
if (gameOver == false){
// draw the grid over the neutral background
for(int i = 0; i < row; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < col; j++){
// game is finished - game over
else {
play = false;
// set the background depending on the winner (if there is one)
if (winner == 1){background(255,0,0);}
else if (winner == 2){background(0,0,255);}
endOfGameText(winner); // display the winner
// then redraw the grid on top
for(int i = 0; i < row; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < col; j++){
playAgainButton(); // display the button option to play again
class Square{
float xPos, yPos, s_width, s_height; // used to draw the square
int value; // 1 = cross, 2 = square
Square(float x, float y, float w, float h){
xPos = x;
yPos = y;
s_width = w;
s_height = h;
value = 0; // default value, use later to check if square is empty
// display the square
// then display a cross or square as appropriate
// the values are set in the click function
void display(){
rect(xPos, yPos, s_width, s_height);
if(value == 1){
else if(value == 2){
// called on mouse click
// if click is on a square check if it is empty, before drawing a cross or circle
// only draw if game is not completed
void click(float m_X, float m_Y){
float mX = m_X;
float mY = m_Y;
// only so this is the mouse has clicked in a square
if(mX > xPos && mX < xPos + s_width &&
mY > yPos && mY < yPos + s_height){
if(value == 0 && play == true){
// player 1, set value for cross, then player 2 turn
value = 1;
player = 2;
// player 2, set value for circle, then player 1 turn
value = 2;
player = 1;
// a turn has been taken, and a space used on the board
// draw a cross with a specific stroke colour and weight
void drawCross(){
stroke(255,0,0); strokeWeight(5);
line(xPos+20, yPos+20, xPos+(s_width-20), yPos+(s_height-20));
line(xPos+20, yPos+(s_height-20), xPos+(s_width-20), yPos+20);
stroke(0); strokeWeight(1);
// draw a circle with a specific stroke colour and weight
void drawCircle(){
stroke(0,0,255); strokeWeight(5);
ellipse(xPos+(s_width/2), yPos+(s_height/2), s_width-25, s_height-25);
stroke(0); strokeWeight(1);
// accessor function to get the value of each square
// 1 = cross, 2 = circle
// use this to determine if there is a winer
int getValue(){
return value;
// if mouse press load the click function
void mousePressed(){
for(int i = 0; i < row; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < col; j++){
grid[i][j].click(mouseX, mouseY);
if (mouseX > x_button && mouseX < x_button + w_button &&
mouseY > y_button && mouseY < y_button + h_button){
// check if the game is over
// either all spaces are filled, or 3 in a row
void checkGameOver(){
int r = row;
int c = col;
// three in a row
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++){
if(grid[i][0].getValue() == 1 && grid[i][1].getValue() == 1 && grid[i][2].getValue() == 1){
gameOver = true;
winner = 1;
if(grid[i][0].getValue() == 2 && grid[i][1].getValue() == 2 && grid[i][2].getValue() == 2){
gameOver = true;
winner = 2;
// three in a column
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++){
if(grid[0][i].getValue() == 1 && grid[1][i].getValue() == 1 && grid[2][i].getValue() == 1){
gameOver = true;
winner = 1;
if(grid[0][i].getValue() == 2 && grid[1][i].getValue() == 2 && grid[2][i].getValue() == 2){
gameOver = true;
winner = 2;
// top left to bottom right
if(grid[0][0].getValue() == 1 && grid[1][1].getValue() == 1 && grid[2][2].getValue() == 1){
gameOver = true;
winner = 1;
if(grid[0][0].getValue() == 2 && grid[1][1].getValue() == 2 && grid[2][2].getValue() == 2){
gameOver = true;
winner = 2;
// bottom left to top right
if(grid[2][0].getValue() == 1 && grid[1][1].getValue() == 1 && grid[0][2].getValue() == 1){
gameOver = true;
winner = 1;
if(grid[2][0].getValue() == 2 && grid[1][1].getValue() == 2 && grid[0][2].getValue() == 2){
gameOver = true;
winner = 2;
if (spaces == 0){
gameOver = true;
void endOfGameText(int win){
float xPosition = 140, yPosition = 450;
if (win==1){text("Winner: Player 1", xPosition, yPosition);}
if (win==2){text("Winner: Player 2", xPosition, yPosition);}
if (win==0){text("Game Over. No Winner", xPosition-35, yPosition);}
void playAgainButton(){
rect(x_button, y_button, w_button, h_button);
text("PLAY AGAIN", x_button+15, y_button+30);
void startGame(){
player = 1; // start game with player 1
play = true; // begin to play
spaces = 9; // 9 empty spaces on the grid
gameOver = false; // game will continue in draw function
winner = 0; // no current winner (must be player 1 or 2 to win)
// start positions and details of the square
x = 25;
y = 25;
w = 125; h = 125;
// adjust x, y values when creating squares of the grid
for(int i = 0; i < row; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < col; j++){
grid[i][j] = new Square(x, y, w, h);
x += w; // adjust x for width
y += h; // after each row, ajust for height
x = 25; // reset to same x as row above
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